Event Proposal

Pickering Public Library welcomes event proposals from the public. Priority is given to events that complement the Library’s collections, service goals, and Strategic Plan, opens a new window.

We take into consideration the interests of the local community, the suitability of the library's physical space, and an event's contribution to the library's overall schedule of events.

Library events are usually arranged at least 6 months in advance and must be open and free to the public. To ensure public proposals can be reviewed in a timely manner to align with internal planning timelines, public proposal submissions should follow the below schedule:

Program Cycle Proposal Due
Winter (December-February) August 1st
Spring (March-May) November 1st
Summer (June – August) February 1st
Fall (September-November) May 1st

The library does not allow commercial advertising and direct solicitation. Business professionals giving information sessions do not receive an honorarium, but may provide a business card or contact information to audience members who request it.

Note: Pickering Public Library does not provide references or testimonials to presenters/performers who deliver programs. A confirmation of services is available on request.

For more information regarding Pickering Public Library's programming policies, please refer to the Events Policy..

Submit a Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please complete the Event Proposal Application below.

You may choose to save and continue with your application at a later time. By clicking the Save and Continue button at the end of the form, you will be given a link to your saved form. This link will expire after 30 days. Please copy and paste the link and save it somewhere so that you may return to your form. Please do not use the email link option.

Your application will be considered by event planning staff and retained on file for 1 year.

If you need to submit an application in an alternate format, please contact:

Shahin Dashtkian Manager of Events
Email Shahin Dashtkian
905-831-6265 ext. 6224

Collection of Information

Privacy Notice: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44, sections 20(a) and (d) and in accordance with section 29 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will only be used to administer the library’s programming service. Questions about the collection or management of personal information can be directed to:

Chris Moore (Acting) Director of Corporate Services and Collections
Email Chris Moore
905-831-6265 ext. 6231

Event Submission

Community submissions for future events.

"*" indicates required fields

Presenter/Performer Information

Program presenter/performer name*
Virtual numbers accepted (WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, etc)
If different from above
Contact Preference*
Who would you prefer us to contact?

Equity Self-Identification Survey

The information collected is confidential and will be used on an aggregated basis. Your information will help us to prevent or address systemic barriers to access and opportunity, set and promote equity, diversity and inclusion goals, measure progress and improve the recruitment experience for all applicants. You may self-identify under more than one of the designated groups. Your responses will not negatively influence our assessment of your proposal. Definitions of the designated groups found below are provided by Statistics Canada.
Do you wish to take part in the Equity Self-Identification Survey? This survey is optional.

About Your Program

Type of Program*

(2500 characters or less)
0 of 2500 max characters
Please provide an outline of what will occur during the program and any materials (i.e., books, etc.) that you plan to use. Include all activities that will be conducted during the program. If this program is specifically designed for persons with disabilities, please provide specific examples of how the program has been developed for this audience.
Alignment with the Library’s Strategic Plan*
2019-2023 Library Strategic Plan: https://pickeringlibrary.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/76/2019/08/Strategic-Plan-Public-Version.pdf
Target Audience*
Program Cycle*
Program Duration*
Include time needed for a question period.

Optimal number of program participants*
Note: attendance size is not guaranteed.
Consider and include all costs such as materials/supplies and travel. You may suggest a fee range. Indicate if your fee includes HST.
Technology needed*
To be provided by the library
Will this event be offered in-person, virtual, or hybrid?
Hybrid events are presented both in-person and virtually over Zoom or other video conferences platform.
Will your program involve live animals?*
Do you have any related materials or services that you will highlight, give away, or sell during the program?*

Presenter Experience

Do you have any training or education in this field?*
Do you have experience delivering programs to the indicated target audience(s)?*
If you have previous experience delivering the program, please list the dates and locations below.


Please list 2 professional references. References may include organizations who have hosted your program or individuals to whom you have delivered this program or a similar program. If your program is specifically designed for persons with disabilities, please provide a reference who can attest to your experience with this group. Please advise your references that they may be contacted by the Pickering Public Library.
Reference 1
Reference 2


Programming Policy*
Materials costs*
Pickering Public Library can edit program title and description*
Photo or Video*
I give permission to be photographed and/or videotaped for Pickering Public Library promotional and educational purposes and materials.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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