Local History and Genealogy

Digital Archive

Research local history and genealogy in the City of Pickering, former Township of Pickering, and beyond. Explore over 20,000 digitized newspapers, books, photos, maps, and more from the collection.

Looking for more assistance? Contact the local history department at localhistory@pickeringlibrary.ca or call 905.831.6265 ext. 6240.

Pickering's Local History

These resources provide an overview of Pickering's history, ranging from broad overviews to hyper-local community stories.


Check out these staff recommended sources to help you get started on family history research or to find new sources of information.

Pickering Local History Collection Digital Archive

View and download documents, photos, newspapers, and more related to the City of Pickering and the former Township of Pickering.

Archives of Ontario

The Archives of Ontario hold numerous archival collections related to Pickering's history, including the Pickering Township Fonds (F 1864.)


Available in-library only, use Ancestry and discover billions of records including census data, directories, photos, and more.

Microfilm and Microfiche

Use the Microfilm Scanner to preserve, convert, and read microfiche and microfilm rolls. Browse items in the Pickering Local History Collection, personal microfilm, or  materials loaned through other libraries and archives. This machine is compatible with 16mm Roll Film, 35 mm Roll Film, Aperture Cards, Colour Slides, Negative Fiche, and Positive Fiche. The Microfilm Scanner is located beside the Local History display on the second floor at the Central library.

Microfilm Scanner Printable Instructions

Single Button Module

Microfilm Loans


Early Black Settlement in Ontario with Dr. Henry-Dixon

Mar 27th | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Central Library - Auditorium
Learn with Dr. Natasha Henry-Dixon about the long history of early Black settlement in Ontario.

L.M. Montgomery & Durham Region

Explore this list to learn more about Lucy Maud Montgomery and her history in Durham Region, where she lived from 1911 to 1926.

Education and Schools

Explore resources from this list to learn more about the history of education and schools in Pickering from 19th to late 20th century.

Parks and Trails

Learn more about the human and natural histories of Pickering’s most popular parks, trails, and conservation areas.

Women's Institutes and Tweedsmuirs

Explore the history of Ontario's Women's Institutes and the local history scrapbooks (Tweedmuirs) from W.I. branches throughout Pickering.
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