Donations to the Pickering Public Library help us to provide award-winning and valued programs and services to all residents of Pickering. The Library is vital to you and to our community. We appreciate your financial support to ensure that the Library remains valued and that all Pickering residents will continue to benefit.
Your gift is tax deductible!
There are 3 easy ways to donate:
- Donate through our secure partner site:
- Donate in person at any library location (with staff at the information desks)
- Donate by mail.
Online donations through our secure site will be sent a receipt automatically. For donations made by mail or in-person, a tax receipt will be mailed for donations over $20.
(please make cheques payable to "Pickering Public Library")
For further information, please contact:
Chris Moore Director of Corporate Services and Collections
Email Chris Moore
905-831-6265 ext. 6231