Below you will find printable instructions for the equipment in our Maker Space in addition to video modules and tutorials.
Printable Instruction Guides
3D Printing Guide, opens a new window
Audacity Digitize Audio to Cassettes
Audacity Digitize Vinyl LP Records
Binding Machine - ComBind C20 Instructions
Roxio Convert VHS to digital video
Roxio VHS slide scanner procedure
Traktor Kontrol S4 MK2 - Quick Start Guide
Vinyl Cutter Graphtec ce6000-60 - Basic Instructions
Vinyl Cutter Graphtec ce6000-60 - Simple Operation
3D Printing Tutorials
3D Printing Module 1, opens a new window
3D Printing Module 2, opens a new window
3D Printing Module 3, opens a new window
3D Printing Module 4, opens a new window
3D Printing Module 5, opens a new window
3D Printing Quiz, opens a new window
3D Printer - Changing the Filament, opens a new window